[mythtv-users] Recording on wrong tuner.

Bryan Cromwell bcromwell.mailinglists at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 20:30:43 UTC 2010

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Michael T. Dean <mtdean at thirdcontact.com>wrote:

>  <fixed top posting, again>
> On 10/26/2010 04:53 AM, Erik Jensen wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Michael T. Dean wrote:
>>>  <fixed top posting>
>>> On 10/25/2010 04:57 PM, Bryan Cromwell wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 1:35 PM, Bryan Cromwell wrote:
>>>>> I had to delete and readd my schedules direct lineups due to channel
>>>>> migrations over to digital.  I now have two lineup's, "comcastanalog"
>>>>> (Using
>>>>> VCR and PVR-500's as tuners) and "comcastdigital" (Using STB over
>>>>> firewire).  Now for what ever reason recording are attempting to record
>>>>> channels>    79 using the analog source (Channel 222 in this case),
>>>>> even
>>>>> though the analog source from SD is correct.  How can I tell myth to
>>>>> never
>>>>> record anything on comcastdigital line up on the analog tuners? I
>>>>> thought
>>>>> this happened automatically but it's not working correctly?
>>>> Finally figured out what is going on, now I just need help to fix.   I
>>>> go
>>>> and use channel editor to delete every channel>79 on source
>>>> comcastanalog
>>>> everything works fine until mythfilldatabase runs and adds every
>>>> channel>79
>>>> back to the analog source. So next I tried adding --update to my
>>>> mythfilldatabase but it still adds them back.  Two questions, Why if
>>>> Schedules direct only shows 79 channels on analog lineup does it add 600
>>>> channels to analog source, second how can I get mythfilldatabase to quit
>>>> adding the channels back?
>>> You need 2 lineups and 2 MythTV video sources.  You need to ensure that
>>> both
>>> the analog and the digital lineup have only the channels you get on those
>>> sources.
>>> I recommend you clean up what you have, now, with Delete all video
>>> sources
>>> (as at http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/264034#264034)
>>> and be certain that your video sources are using the proper Schedules
>>> Direct
>>> lineup (there may be a display issue where it "resets" the lineup when
>>> you're in the editor, so it may be switching the video source that's
>>> supposed to use the analog lineup to use the digital lineup, and you
>>> don't
>>> want to save it in the "reset" state, so always check the lineup before
>>> leaving the video sources setup page).
>> I had a similar problem in the past.  In my case, I had two tuners on
>> the same linup, but for whatever reason I had a couple channels that I
>> could only get with one or the other tuner.  My solution was to give
>> the "--remove-new-channels" option to mythfilldatabase, which prevents
>> it from adding channels.
> Exactly.  If you're using a single, combined "meta lineup" at Schedules
> Direct including all the channels from both the MythTV analog and digital
> video sources (and those video sources have different channels available),
> you must use --remove-new-channels.
> Mike
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Thanks, I think that fixed my problem.
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