[mythtv-users] Two tuner sticks unstable together - need help

Gary Dawes gary.dawes at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 12:13:44 UTC 2010

On 14 October 2010 17:21, Sven Bretfeld <sven.bretfeld at gmx.ch> wrote:

> Hi to all
> I have two DVB-T USB sticks. Both are working fine with Mythtv
> (Mythbuntu 10.10), IF ONLY ONE OF THEM IS PLUGGED!
> If I configure both as separate inputs, the setup becomes unstable. There
> are three possibilities that can happen without any understandable
> logic:
> 1. Both work fine
> 2. Only one is recognized by the Frontend (not possible to switch to the
>   second source)
> 3. Both are recognized by the Frontend but only one gets a lock.
> I set up Mythbackend today with both sticks. It was working fine for
> some hours. After a few reboots (I had some maintenance to do)
> possibility 2 happened. I reconfigured Mythbackend, both sticks were
> doing well. The frontend recognizes the two sources, but the second one
> can't get a lock.
> What strange thing happens here?
> I would highly appreciate help.
> Sven
> PS: Both sticks are sucessfully initialized at startup. Here is the
> dmesg output:
>    a) dvb-usb: AverMedia AVerTV Volar Black HD (A850) successfully
>       initialized and connected.
>    b) dvb-usb: Hauppauge Nova-T Stick successfully initialized and
>       connected.
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I had this problem, and worked though loads of stuff, and it ended up being
a chipset issue on my motherboard. Basically it was crashing whenever the 2
usb tuners tried to record together. My board is a gigabyte  AMD, and the
chipset is an SB600.

If you have a full height case, and can get one, it may be worth trying a
PCI card with extra USB ports on it, and plugging the tuners into the card,
to determine if the chipset is at fault.

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