[mythtv-users] change channel script limit at 2 digits (DTA100)

Jeff Artz jeffa.myth at gmail.com
Wed Mar 31 14:42:39 UTC 2010

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Scott <pickle136 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Does anyone have a modified script that limits or only uses the 2 least
> significant digits that are sent from mythbackend to the change channel
> script?
> The background is that I have ive seen that the backend is reqesting
> channel numbers like 1043, when i only need to send 43 to the ir blaster. My
> script works when only using 2 digits, but when i setup the backend to use
> it and switch to that input nothing happens and livetv fails.
> I think the DTA goes nuts seeing a 4 digit channel, rather than a 0-99
> channel.
> I based the script off the one in the mythtv contrib folder.
> Scott

Even easier - pull up the channel editor in mythweb and change the
'offending' channels 'freqid' to what you want it to use for the channel
change script.

I did the way-back-when to 'fix' the fact that my old sat box didn't support
the 'mapping' feature of local channel numbers to the actual sat channel
numbers, so I had channel 25 set to freqid 8770   (my local Fox 25 station
is carried on channel 8770) - the newer sat boxes would setup an 'alias' to
'25' and would basically tune 8770 but display the channel # as 25.  My
older box didn't support that functionality, so that was my 'fix'.   Works

I'm now finding I'm having to do it again for a 2nd source (a pay IPTV box)
that has channel numbers that overlap with my Dish subscription.  So I added
'10,000' to the IPTV box channel numbers, and 'fixed' the channel numbers in
the 'freqid' field for the channel changing to work properly.

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