[mythtv-users] 24fps Movies and new 120Hz LCD TV

Jean-Yves Avenard jyavenard at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 00:58:00 UTC 2010


On 23 March 2010 02:17, James Oltman <cnlibmyth at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it's a little buggy right now.  It doesn't work as I'd expect it to
> work.  When I first start the FE, the TV uses 60Hz.  When I watch 24Hz
> material, the TV switches to 24Hz (the display refreshes and the display
> menu pops up on the screen and says 24Hz).  When I stop playing the
> material, Myth exits to the menu, but stays at 24 Hz.  I would think it
> should go back to 60Hz.  I have some material that is neither 24 Hz or 60Hz

> (Doctor Who episodes and others).  So when I play these files, the TV
> doesn't have a 50Hz or 25 Hz setting so it leaves it at 24Hz.  This causes

If the content is 50Hz and your TV supports 60Hz but not 50Hz ; then
it will switch to 60Hz.

If it uses 24Hz, it's because your content is 24Hz... simple as that.

When watching new content and you have the automatic rate selection
activated; whatever refresh rates your TV was set to is irrelevant and
doesn't have an impact whatsoever on how the rate is going to be

When a refresh rate isn't available, it uses the highest one available
; e.g. 60Hz

You can try it by first watching 60Hz content ; then go and watch your
"50Hz" content you see that it won't stay at 60Hz (if you say it was
selecting 24Hz before)

Aside, I would be extremely surprised if your TV supported 60Hz an
24Hz but not 50Hz...

> some video funkiness.  I can fix it if I start a region 1 ISO of a DVD then
> exit.  It updates the refresh rate to 60Hz and all is well again.  I think
> there should be a setting for refresh rate of the GUI and a dynamic refresh
> rate for material.

How does having a 24Hz refresh rate or 60Hz refresh rate makes any
difference for displaying a static content like a menu ?

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