[mythtv-users] Webmin is borked

Mark Adams madams9 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 27 14:07:31 UTC 2010

On 08/27/2010 01:30 AM, Mark Adams wrote:
>  On 8/26/2010 4:56 PM, Jonathan Larson wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mythtv-users-bounces at mythtv.org 
>> [mailto:mythtv-users-bounces at mythtv.org] On Behalf Of Mark Adams
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 7:53 AM
>> To: Discussion about MythTV
>> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Webmin is borked
>> Apache is responsible for this, I just have no idea what the problem
>> is.   However, I am getting the impression from clues like this:
>> # httpd -S
>> Syntax error on line 107 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/mythweb.conf:
>> Invalid command 'php_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a 
>> module not included in the server configuration
>> That mod_php5 may have something to do with it, but I may be totally 
>> wrong. The php_value (and php_flag) stuff may have nothing to do with 
>> mythweb not working.
>> Mark
>> Did you double-check that your php5 and auth_basic / auth_digest 
>> modules are being loaded by apache?
>> Jon
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>> mythtv-users mailing list
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> Okay, spent some time tonight figuring some of this stuff out.  Here 
> is a list of modules loaded according to (I believe)
> "http -l -D MODULES_DUMP"
> Loaded Modules:
>  core_module (static)
>  mpm_prefork_module (static)
>  http_module (static)
>  so_module (static)
>  authn_file_module (shared)
>  authn_anon_module (shared)
>  authn_default_module (shared)
>  authn_alias_module (shared)
>  authz_host_module (shared)
>  authz_groupfile_module (shared)
>  authz_user_module (shared)
>  authz_dbm_module (shared)
>  authz_owner_module (shared)
>  authz_default_module (shared)
>  auth_basic_module (shared) <----------Okay
>  auth_digest_module (shared) <-----------Okay
>  include_module (shared)
>  filter_module (shared)
>  substitute_module (shared)
>  log_config_module (shared)
>  env_module (shared)
>  mime_magic_module (shared)
>  expires_module (shared)
>  headers_module (shared)
>  usertrack_module (shared)
>  unique_id_module (shared)
>  setenvif_module (shared)
>  version_module (shared)
>  mime_module (shared)
>  status_module (shared)
>  autoindex_module (shared)
>  info_module (shared)
>  cgi_module (shared)
>  vhost_alias_module (shared)
>  negotiation_module (shared)
>  dir_module (shared)
>  imagemap_module (shared)
>  actions_module (shared)
>  alias_module (shared)
>  rewrite_module (shared)
> Php5 module does not appear to be loading.  Kind of begs the question 
> how does PhpMyAdmin work if no pop module is loading.  Huh.
> Mark

I set a line to manually load the php5 module:

      LoadModule php5_module    extramodules/mod_php5.so

This does load modphp5 and seemed to clean up some of the issues I was 
seeing when I did "httpd -S" but I'm still getting:

*Warning* at 
line 23:
require(modules/_shared/tmpl/tmpl/header.php) [function.require 
<http://pvr/mythweb/function.require>]: failed to open stream: No such 
file or directory

When I try to start Mythweb.

I'm googling as much as I can, and this error is documented in a lot of 
places.  Trouble is, I can't find any solution.

You folks have any suggestions?


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