[mythtv-users] suspend/resume: lost connection to backend

Mark Campbell-Smith mcampbellsmith at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 06:41:43 UTC 2010


I am trying to setup mythtv to suspend/resume using pm-suspend.

The problem is that when the pc resumes after suspend, I lose
connection to mythbackend, even though mythbackend is running.
Restarting the backend does not help and neither does restarting the

Its like the port is hanging or something.  i am able to ssh into the
backend, so the network is up and working.  Both frontend and backend
are configured with

This is what I see in the mythwelcome logs (repeatedly):

2010-08-10 22:59:26.314 MythContext: Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 1)
2010-08-10 22:59:26.315 Connection to master server timed out.
Either the server is down or the master server settings
in mythtv-settings does not contain the proper IP address

This is the debug output from mythbackend:
2010-08-10 23:01:40.706 MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager0) SELECT data FROM
settings WHERE value = 'backendserverport' AND hostname = 'mythtv'
<<<< Returns 2 row(s)
2010-08-10 23:01:40.706 MSqlQuery::next(DBManager0) Result: "data = 6543"
2010-08-10 23:01:40.706 MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager0) SELECT data FROM
settings WHERE value = 'backendserverip' AND hostname = 'mythtv' <<<<
Returns 2 row(s)
2010-08-10 23:01:40.706 MSqlQuery::next(DBManager0) Result: "data ="
2010-08-10 23:01:40.707 MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager0) SELECT data FROM
settings WHERE value = 'masterserverip' AND hostname = 'mythtv' <<<<
Returns 0 row(s)
2010-08-10 23:01:40.707 MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager0) SELECT data FROM
settings WHERE value = 'masterserverip' AND hostname IS NULL <<<<
Returns 1 row(s)
2010-08-10 23:01:40.707 MSqlQuery::next(DBManager0) Result: "data ="
2010-08-10 23:01:40.707 MythBackend: Starting up as the master server.

So the ip address and ports are defined correctly, and MythBackend
assumes that it is starting correctly.  I am using Ubuntu lucid 10.04

Does anyone have any ideas on why this might be the case?

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