[mythtv-users] Long delays with remote occasionally

Tom Lichti redpepperracing at gmail.com
Tue May 26 13:23:24 UTC 2009

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Tom Dexter <digitalaudiorock at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Yeechang Lee <ylee at pobox.com> wrote:
>> Tom Dexter <digitalaudiorock at gmail.com> says:
>>> Others here have noted similar problems with OpenGL vsync (Yeechang
>>> Lee for one).
>> Speaking of which, I've been able to return to using OpenGL vsync for
>> some time now; I am currently using the Nvidia 180.44 driver with an
>> 8400GS. (Now, if only DPMS worked again; that's been broken since I
>> installed the 8400GS and a 180.xx driver.)
>> --
>> Frontend/backend:       P4 3.0GHz, 1.5TB software RAID 5 array
>> Backend:                Quad-core Xeon 1.6GHz, 6.6TB sw RAID 6
>> Video inputs:           Four high-definition over FireWire/OTA
>> Accessories:            47" 1080p LCD, 5.1 digital, and MX-600
> I apologize for the fact that this is a bit off topic for this thread, but...
> I tried the 180.51 drivers and enabled OpenGl vsync.  It worked fine
> for a few days.  Tonight however, one of the times the xscreensaver
> started (again during a paused recording) it black screened and locked
> up REALLY bad.  I couldn't even shell in to kill it and the keyboard
> wasn't working.  I had to force power it down.  When it started back
> up, for some reason it took a long time for the serial remote to start
> working...seriously ugly stuff.  This is with a GeForce 7100GS.
> I was leery of the 180.x drivers after following this 30+ page nightmare:
> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=123912
> ...now I know why.  I swear nVidia 's going backwards.  VDPAU is all
> well and good, but ever since it came out I feel like I haven't been
> able to trust their drivers worth a damn.  I'm going back to 177.82
> with RTC timing, as I know that's at least safe.

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, I am running 180.51 and it works
flawlessly for me. With VDPAU, TV has never looked so good.


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