[mythtv-users] using mythtranscode to keep commercials?

belcampo belcampo at zonnet.nl
Wed Mar 18 16:24:41 UTC 2009

Using an older trunk version also got the error # -84:
The problem comes from --infile instead of -c -s
In my example:
source is 4274691548
commercials.mpg with the use of:
-c -s     1204928516
--infile  3396427780
souce minus commercials
-c -s     2174769156

Solution for doing it automatically.

mythcommflag --getcutlist -c 6005 -s 20090316202700 | grep Cutlist: | 
cut -d " " -f 2 > cutlist;sed 's/-/\n/g' cutlist | grep , | sed 
's/,/-/g' | tr '\012' ',' > inverse;export A=`cat inverse`;mythcommflag 
--setcutlist $A -c 6005 -s 20090316202700; mythcommflag --getcutlist -c 
6005 -s 20090316202700;mythtranscode -m -l -c 6005 -s 20090316202700 -o 

Regards belcampo

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