[mythtv-users] How to force frontends to play only from master backend?

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 03:23:13 UTC 2009

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Michael T. Dean
<mtdean at thirdcontact.com> wrote:
> On 03/15/2009 05:08 PM, Nick Rout wrote:
> Right, Nick.  The mythfrontend setting is:
> Always stream recordings from the backend
> Enable this setting if you want MythTV to always stream files from a remote
> backend instead of directly reading a recording file if it is accessible
> locally.
> and it makes the recording host stream the show.
> There's also the mythtv-setup setting:
> Master Backend Override
> If enabled, the master backend will stream and delete files if it finds them
> in the video directory. Useful if you are using a central storage location,
> like a NFS share, and your slave backend isn't running.
> but that would only make the master backend stream the files if you shutdown
> the recording host.
> However, if you have a "local" copy of the file available to the
> frontend--i.e. a copy of the file on a filesystem that's directly accessible
> by the frontend (which means NFS mounts are "local")--the frontend will read
> the file directly from the disk (which would mean from NFS).
> In your test, it didn't do so because you either had enabled the setting,
> "Always stream recordings from the backend", or your filesystem is using a
> different structure on the frontend from the backend(s).  So, uncheck that
> option and/or make the directory structure of the recording directories
> /exactly/ identical on /all/ hosts (backends and frontends), and all will
> work.

Are we likely to see a fix, ie a setting that says "ignore which BE
recorded the file, stream it from the BE that actually holds it" ?
(says Nick probably showing his fundamental lack of knowledge of
myth's internals, not to mention risking a "show us the code|submit a
ticket" response :)

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