[mythtv-users] Serial control of a TV

George Nassas gnassas at mac.com
Sat Mar 14 22:07:23 UTC 2009

On 14-Mar-09, at 2:11 AM, Greg Newton wrote:

> I'd stick with the line-ends theory too - the manual for my LC46PD7X
> says "Eight ASCII codes + CR" - maybe try
> echo -e "POWR0  \r"

Not sure what the -e is doing but echo sends a newline (\n) after its  
output. The TV might be taking that newline as the start of its next  
command and, deciding it doesn't like it, ignoring everything until  
the next \r.

The shell printf command doesn't send any extra characters so a printf  
"POWER0 \r" might do it for you and also leave the TV in a good state  
for the next command. echo -n works too if you're without printf.

- George

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