[mythtv-users] OT: SATA errors

Harry Devine lifter89 at comcast.net
Sat Jul 18 03:13:05 UTC 2009

John Finlay wrote:
> Harry Devine wrote:
>> Brian Wood wrote:
>>> Wow, not even a floppy option, or a network option?
>>> I assume you tried the removable option?
>>> I've heard tell of boot floppies that allow for booting from 
>>> additional devices, usually to be able to boot a CD via a floppy 
>>> (for old machines that won't boot a CD normally). You might search 
>>> for "boot floppy" or something like that, it might be usable as a CD 
>>> image as well as a floppy.
>>> But BIOS can't boot what BIOS can't see, so you have to change the 
>>> BIOS or change what you are trying to boot to something it can see. 
>>> The BIOS might be changed by DLing a BIOS driver from the SATA card, 
>>> I think that's how my SuperMicro card works.
>>> There might be a "scan" option somewhere in your BIOS setup, or 
>>> perhaps go to your mobo maker's site and do a search for SATA or 
>>> SCSI or external boot.
>> Nope, not even a floppy or network option.  I updated the BIOS to the 
>> latest one with no change.  When
> If you have a floppy it should show up in the Removable Devices. You 
> may not have the LAN boot PROM enabled so you would not have a network 
> option.
>> the machine starts up, I do get a menu from the SATA card saying that 
>> no valid drives exist, and to press F4 to  run it's RAID utility.  I 
>> can go in there, but the only thing I can do is setup both drives to 
>> be a RAID setup, and that's not what I want.
> According to a note on newegg the card firmware comes only allowing 
> RAID. The poster claims that the chip manufacturer has a firmware 
> update that allows non-RAID use but requires a Windows update utility. 
> If you get this to work then the drives should show up as Hard Drives 
> in the Boot Menu.
> John
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I was able to find an updated BIOS for the card, but my only Windows 
machine doesn't have a PCIe x1 interface in it, so I can't update it.  
At this point, I'm thinking I should just order a new MB.  I really 
don't want to but I don't have much of a choice.  My last resort is to 
take the card into work and see if there's a Windows PC there that I can 
install the card into and update it that way.

I'm just really tired of messing with it at this point.  My current 
system has an AMD Athlon 64 X2 5400+ CPU in it, and 2G of OCZ 240-pin 
DDR2 667 RAM.  I found this board on NewEgg:  
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131381.  Looks 
like it should work.  Anyone have any thoughts?  I want to be able to 
pull my my existing CPU/Fan, Memory, and Hard Drives from the current MB 
and transfer them to the new one.

Would Mythbuntu have any issues with this since the MB would be a 
different one that what I originally installed with?  Will I have to 
reinstall anyway?  No big deal if I do since I now can access the drives 
by putting them into another machine and can grab whatever files I need 
(dump the Myth DB, Xorg.conf, etc.).

Thanks for any ideas.

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