[mythtv-users] Nvidia 180.35 -- Mythfrontend menu gone

Stefan Reichel stefan.reichel at rapid-net.de
Thu Feb 26 00:25:22 UTC 2009


today i tried to update to the latest nvidia driver 180.35. But since
then my mythfrontend menu is gone, only the background appears. After a
minute or so it finally crashes.

I tried to reset the appearance settings via mythfrontend -r, no
success. Tried to switch to QT via mythfrontend -O ThemePainter=qt, same
result. An update to the latest svn version also didn't help.

My xorg.conf doesn't contain any special settings except the "composite"

The logs of mythfrontend and Xorg doesn't indicate any problem, do you
have any ideas?


P.S. I use a 8200.

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