[mythtv-users] Linux wall wart pulls 5 watts - could make a great master backend

Brad Templeton brad+myth at templetons.com
Wed Feb 25 01:28:43 UTC 2009

Nick Rout wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Graham Mitchell <gmitch at woodlea.com> wrote:
>>> Or even though it is not a supported config you could just run it
>> tunerless.
>> It's not supported yet.... But someone is working on it at the moment...
>> There was a thread about it last week - to do with power saving, but the
>> developer is working on a tunerless back end.

What does myth do if you run a tunerless master backend?  I was thinking
of doing that myself,
since it is annoying that if I ever turn off my master backend, all the
slaves just give up and don't
automatically reconnect when it restarts, and you can't really put it to

Tunerless slave backends work fine, I use them for transcode jobs etc.

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