[mythtv-users] Vdpau and Nvidia 8200, not enough resources?

George Mogielnicki george at begos.ca
Fri Feb 13 18:56:09 UTC 2009

> On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 15:48 -0700, Travis Tabbal wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Stefan Reichel
>> <stefan.reichel at rapid-net.de> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         i have some problems with vdpau and my Nvidia 8200 onboard
>>         gpu. If i try
>>         to watch tv using vdpau i get the following error at different
>>         positions
>>         in util-vdpau.cpp:
>> What is your video ram set to? Some people have reported issues that
>> went away when they increased it to 512MB.
> Thanks to Travis and Mitchell, vdpau is working like a charm!
> I found out, that the memory displayed by nvidia-settings is wrong.
> Based on this knowledge i changed the ram settings in bios, after the
> VideoRam setting in xorg.conf didn't fix anything.
> Now my cpu usage dropped about 70-90% percent when watching tv, and hd
> content(1080p) is finally watchable (at 15% cpu usage).
> Greetings
> Stefan
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What motherboard are using ? I'm about to start a build on Zotac GF8200 ITX.


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