[mythtv-users] Delaying frontend start

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Feb 12 10:25:50 UTC 2009


I would like to know if there some built-in means to delay the start  
of mythfrontend, or to set a higher timeout when trying to connect to  
the backend.

Reason is, I am running Mythbuntu, so mythbackend is started through  
Sys-V init, the frontend through autologin and the desktop managers's  
(xfce) autostart feature. This is a combined box. Since the box is  
connected through wlan, the IP address that the backend is bind to is  
usually up *after* the frontend started, so the frontend is  
complaining that it can't connect to the backend. I want to avoid that  
warning at the frontend start, so if a delay or longer timeout is not  
possible, I would also be happy with an option to turn the warning  
off. But I couldn't find either of these.
I may start the frontend from if-up, but I would prefer a myth-native  


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