[mythtv-users] Scheduler failing...

William Uther willu.mailingLists at cse.unsw.edu.au
Mon Feb 2 22:59:06 UTC 2009

  I'm having a very strange mythtv problem.  I've found a similar  
sounding problem in the mailing list archives, but the solution is not  
the same:


The problem is that the scheduler does not seem to be running.  I have  
guide data.  I have shows asking to be recorded.  But there is nothing  
actually scheduled to be recorded.  This seems to be able to be fixed,  
until I next reboot, by forcing mythbackend to reschedule.


I'm running mythtv on ubuntu jaunty on a new box.  I used this FAQ  
entry to copy the data from a previous ubuntu intrepid install:


If I boot the machine, then `mythtv-status` shows no upcoming  
recordings, and neither does `mythbackend --printsched`.  `mythbackend  
--testsched` however will print a bunch of recordings (but seems to  
leave the actual recording schedule untouched).  If I run  
mythfilldatabase then this seems to force a reschedule and then  
everything is fine until I next restart the machine.  If I hit record  
on a program, then myth will reschedule and everything will be fine.   
I can then change that program back to not record and everything stays  
fine.  On restart it all falls apart again.

I tried modifying /etc/init.d/mythv-backend to call mythfilldatabase  
immediately after starting mythbackend.  This did not fix the  
problem.  I found that strange, because I thought that just asking for  
a reschedule would fix things.

I then tried adding "(sleep 10 ; mythfilldatabase) &" in /etc/init.d/ 
mythv-backend immediately after starting mythbackend, and that did fix  
the problem (although this seems to be a little intermittent).

So I then wondered if there was a race condition with something that  
myth was relying upon.  I tried adding a sleep 10 just before  
mythbackend was started. That did not fix the problem.

If I run MFD and everything is fine, then rebooting causes the problem  
to come back.  Simply restarting mythbackend does not seem to cause  
the problem to come back.

I wonder if there is a database schema issue?  (but I don't know why  
forcing a reschedule would help in that case...)  At this point I'm  
just confused.

Any suggestions?


Will      :-}

P.S. I think my next plan is to use mytharchive to archive the  
recordings I want to save, and then just wipe out the mysql db and  
reconfigure from scratch.  I find setting up the channels table really  
annoying now though - what happened to the channels page in mythweb?   
It was much better than either the setup program or kmysqladmin.  I  
want to edit all the channels on one page and then commit once when  
they're right...

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