[mythtv-users] Using HDParm to Spindown Hard Drives

Scott Kidder kidder.scott at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 22:12:08 UTC 2008

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 1:25 PM, John Drescher <drescherjm at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I have been doing this same thing for a while and have not noticed any
> > missed portions of recordings.
> >
> Same here with 4 Seagate SATA drives and storage groups since late
> 2006 / early 2007 with SVN 0.21.
I have been monitoring recording activity and saw the following errors in
the MythTV backend log.

[root at mythtv mythtv]# fgrep "IOBOUND" mythbackend.log*
2008-09-09 15:00:18.393 TFW, Error: Write() -- IOBOUND begin cnt(9400)
2008-09-09 15:00:22.325 TFW, Error: Write() -- IOBOUND end
2008-09-09 15:00:22.341 TFW, Error: Write() -- IOBOUND begin cnt(9400)
2008-09-09 15:00:22.347 TFW, Error: Write() -- IOBOUND end

The Backend log goes back nearly 4 months with no occurrences of IOBOUND
errors until I configured the drives to sleep using 'hdparm' yesterday.
Also, the IOBOUND errors occur only in the first few seconds of recording.
Do these messages indicate that the recording will be corrupted, or are they
just a warning that the IO is not responding quickly?


Scott Kidder
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