[mythtv-users] OT: Hardware decoders (was Re: completely new and have questions before I buy hardware)

Brian Wood beww at beww.org
Tue Sep 9 13:31:52 UTC 2008

Brad DerManouelian wrote:

> Images look softer to me on the 150 using s-video on both - I never  
> saw a difference when using Coax or Composite on both. Also, I  
> sometimes get the tinny audio problem on my 150 that I never get on  
> the 350. I wasn't happy with the solution of resetting the audio via  
> cron every 10 seconds and resetting the audio at the end of my channel  
> change script didn't always fix it, so I'm happy to see it go.

That explains it then, I'm using coax on 2 of my PVR-150s and composite
on the third (yes, I know S-Video is better, and I've been meaning to...)

I've never had the tinny audio problem, just lucky I guess.


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