[mythtv-users] Storage Directories

Michael Lynch lynchmv at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 03:15:48 UTC 2008

I recently had a drive in my LVM volume die so I figured now is as good of a
time as any to give storage directories a try.  Here is how I have my
current disks configured:

root at mythmaster:~# df -H
Filesystem             Size   Used  Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb1               18G    13G   4.8G  73% /
/dev/hdc1              201G    25M   200G   1% /mythtv/storage/hdc1
/dev/hdd1              300G    37M   300G   1% /mythtv/storage/hdd1
/dev/sda1              201G    25M   200G   1% /mythtv/storage/sda1
/dev/sdb1              201G    25M   200G   1% /mythtv/storage/sdb1

I added each /mythtv/storage/* directory as a storage directory via
mythtv-setup (without mythbackend running) and all appeared to go as
planned.  When viewing the backend status via mythweb it looks like it tried
to combine sda and sdb into one directory, like so:

Disk Usage:

   - MythTV Drive #1:
   - Directory: mythmaster:/mythtv/storage/hdc1
      - Total Space: 190,741 MB
      - Space Used: 23 MB
      - Space Free: 190,717 MB
   - MythTV Drive #2:
   - Directory: mythmaster:/mythtv/storage/hdd1
      - Total Space: 286,061 MB
      - Space Used: 35 MB
      - Space Free: 286,026 MB
   - MythTV Drive #3:
   - Directories: mythmaster:/mythtv/storage/sda1,
      - Total Space: 190,741 MB
      - Space Used: 23 MB
      - Space Free: 190,718 MB
   - Total Disk Space:
      - Total Space: 667,544 MB
      - Space Used: 81 MB
      - Space Free: 667,462 MM


Any ideas as to why the two would appear to be as one to mythbackend?

slackware 12.0
p4 2.8ht
1gb ram

root at mythmaster:~# mythbackend --version
Please include all output in bug reports.
MythTV Version   : exported
MythTV Branch    : tags/release-0-21
Library API      : 0.21.20080304-1
Network Protocol : 40
Options compiled in:
 linux release using_oss using_alsa using_arts using_jack using_backend
using_dbox2 using_dvb using_frontend using_hdhomerun using_iptv using_ivtv
using_lirc using_v4l using_x11 using_xrandr using_xv using_xvmc using_xvmcw
using_xvmc_vld using_bindings_perl using_bindings_python using_opengl
using_ffmpeg_threads using_live
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