[mythtv-users] Uptime

Paul Bender pebender at san.rr.com
Wed Oct 22 13:24:31 UTC 2008

Paul Clark wrote:
> Just a point of interest really.  I get about 5-7 days of uptime
> before I require a reboot of my combined be/fe setup.  Often the fe
> crashes when rewinding live TV or we start to see bad horizontal
> tearing on panning shots so we reboot to make that go away.
> How much uptime do others get?  I'm trying to decide if I should spend
> some time to investigate my issues further or just accept that 5-7
> days is average.

The only time that I reboot the CentOS 5.x server running my backend 
(which runs many services for my home ntwork) is when I update a package 
that requires a reboot (e.g. the Linux kernel). In addition, I will 
restart mythbackend when I update the Myth packages.

My frontends are separate diskless computers connected to the backend 
over then network. I reboot one frontend frequently because I use it to 
develop MiniMyth. All other frontends are only rebooted when I have a 
MiniMyth update or when the GUI crashes (which is very rare ... I cannot 
remember when it last happened).

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