[mythtv-users] Monolith Pre-made MythTV Box?

Brian Wood beww at beww.org
Sun Nov 16 17:44:45 UTC 2008

VCRAddict wrote:
> At 03:47 AM 11/16/08 -0800, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
>  >
>     [snip]
>  > I was looking around the web for pre-made MythTV box, and came across
>  > the Monolith Media Center...
>  > 
>  > https://monolithmc.com/~monolith/index.php
>  > 
>  > Does anyone have any experience with this company?  Anyone bought one 
>  > of these?
> I've no experience or prior knowledge of that particular outfit.  But my
> first reaction is that the product is obscenely overpriced, vis-a-vis what
> you could build an equivalent system for yourself, if you're of a mind to
> do that.  
> Now, presuming that you're NOT of a mind to do that, then most of what
> you'd be paying for is ongoing support & "hand-holding"...  And I did not
> see anything I consider worth that difference in my quick perusal of their
> web site (an online BBS-based "support ticket" system doesn't really count,
> at least in the absence of any evidece regarding how quickly and
> effectively they respond -- I'm talking about something along the lines of
> 24/7 toll-free 'phone support).

I would hesitate to buy something from an outfit that is either
unwilling or unable to get a proper certificate for their site, after
all that is not all that expensive (on the order of $100-$200/year).


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