[mythtv-users] Duplicate entries in mythmusic

Paul Harrison mythtv at dsl.pipex.com
Tue May 27 09:41:54 UTC 2008

Yan Seiner wrote:
> I've moved my mythmusic collection around. I changed the main music 
> directory and restructured the music.
> I had to rescan the music tree to get my music to show up, which is what 
> I would expect.
> But now I have duplicate entries - at least 2 per track.  Sometimes 4.  
> Mythmusic will play each track at least two times.
> How do I clean out the database of all music and force a rescan to a 
> clean table?
> Thanks,
> --Yan

It would interesting to see what the DB entries look like for a 
duplicated track but that isn't easy with the new DB schema. If you want 
to take a look the music table all start with 'music_'.

One way to clear the tables would be to temporarily point your music 
directory to an empty directory do a rescan then point it back to the 
correct directory and do another rescan but that shouldn't be necessary 
if everything is working as it should. 

Paul H.

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