[mythtv-users] Syncing Minimyth with a backend

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Sun Mar 16 17:36:09 UTC 2008

On 03/16/2008 12:46 PM, Mike Perkins wrote:
> Paul Bender wrote:
>> Mike Perkins wrote:
>>> I have just put together a new Media Centre-style host[1] I intend to use as a 
>>> dedicated front-end which will diskless boot. I decided to choose Minimyth as 
>>> the operating system for this.
>>> I already run a LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) server so adding Minimyth 
>>> should'nt have been a problem, and apart from the usual configuration cockups I 
>>> am mostly there.
>>> However, I have come to a halt with respect to connecting it to the existing 
>>> Mythtv network, which is, the potential protocol/version mismatch. I wanted to 
>>> sort out the Minimyth side of things first and then do my upgrade to 0.21 based 
>>> on whatever that built as.
>>> I have built from Minimyth 0.21.0-42, which says that it is based on svn 16483. 
>>> My first question (to Paul) therefore is, which svn? Trunk? Fixes? My second (to 
>>> Mike Dean) is, can I just pull this svn version from Trunk/Fixes/Wherever and 
>>> use it to upgrade the rest of my systems so that they are all compatible?
>>> Currently running Trunk svn 14033.
>> Per <http://linpvr.org/minimyth/>, it is "MythTV 
>> <http://www.mythtv.org/> 0.21.0 with fixes 
>> <http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/browser/branches/release-0-21-fixes> through 
>> SVN 16483".
>> Also, there is a version of MiniMyth with MythTV 0.20.2 + fixes.
>> To be sure that everything works correctly, you should use the exact 
>> same MythTV versions on all you hosts. However, you should be able to 
>> use it with 
>> <http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/browser/branches/release-0-21-fixes>. In 
>> addition, if you are using packages, then you should be able to using 
>> MiniMyth with any MythTV 0.21 packages. I use MiniMyth on my frontends 
>> and ATrpms' MythTV packages on my backend.
> See, that's my problem. How can I use the exact same version as Minimyth when 
> the version of Myth used is buried within the Minimyth release. It's not that 
> easy for us punters to find the appropriate matching svn. I have, incidentally, 
> built my current systems from source svn since my distribution (Mandriva) lagged 
> behind on certain fixes I needed.

Since you'll need to move from SVN trunk to 0.21-fixes, now would be a 
very good time to do so because current trunk is currently using the 
same DB schema version as 0.21-fixes (so switching--all your 
systems--now will work) and because of the likelihood of upcoming 
stability issues in trunk

> I should have added to my OP: Since the Minimyth distribution does not contain 
> back end code, and Mike Dean says all systems should be built from identical 
> code, this makes connecting any Minimyth box to any back end quite awkward.
> Perhaps one solution would be to publish a tarball of the /complete/ svn 
> snapshot used to base the current version of Minimyth on. I did look, but 
> couldn't find such a beast anywhere.

You can pull a specific SVN revision using the -r argument.  So, since 
you're building from source, just use:

$ svn co -r 16483 http://svn.mythtv.org/svn/branches/release-0-21-fixes/ 

Note, also, if you have a trunk checkout, you can use svn switch to 
change it to a 0.21-fixes.  I.e. something like:

$ svn switch http://svn.mythtv.org/svn/branches/release-0-21-fixes/

from within the directory you used for your trunk checkout.  (If you 
checked out mythtv, mythplugins, and myththemes separately, you'll need 
to modify that for the individual directories.)  Then, just use svn 
update to change to the revision you need:

svn up -r 16483


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