[mythtv-users] Nova T-500 Remote Control

KH Chai khchai at ceedtec.com
Wed Jul 23 06:13:52 UTC 2008

Hi all,


I did a clean install of Mythbuntu; and selected the Hauppauge Nova T-500
remote control during the setup.  However, only the direction buttons work
(Up, Down, Left, Right).  I did a comparison of the lircd.conf file with the
one from the recommended site:



I don't know what else to do.  Anyone have the same problem?  How do I make
the other button works?  Any help or suggestion would be greatly


Run irw to see if the buttons are recognized by your lirc configuration. If
so, make sure the button names they trigger exactly match the names in



Running irw gave me connection refused, and returned to command prompt.


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