[mythtv-users] Why is MythArchive Failing?

Mitch Gore mitchell.gore at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 14:30:17 UTC 2008


I am trying to take some recordings and put them on DVD.  Here is the log:

2008-01-30 22:08:08 mythburn.py (0.1.20080106-1) starting up...
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Found 2 CPUs
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Obtaining MythTV settings from MySQL database for
hostname mythtv
2008-01-30 22:08:09 temppath: /video/temp-archive/work
2008-01-30 22:08:09 logpath:  /video/temp-archive/logs
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Setting process priority to 17
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Processing Mythburn job number 1.
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Options - mediatype = 0, doburn = 1, createiso = 0,
erasedvdrw = 0
2008-01-30 22:08:09           savefilename = ''
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Looking for:
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Loading font 0, /usr/share/mythtv/FreeSans.ttf size 18
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Loading font 1, /usr/share/mythtv/FreeSans.ttf size 15
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Loading font 2, /usr/share/mythtv/FreeSans.ttf size 13
2008-01-30 22:08:09 wantIntro: 1, wantMainMenu: 1, wantChapterMenu:1,
wantDetailsPage: 0
2008-01-30 22:08:09 Final DVD Video format will be ntsc
2008-01-30 22:08:09 There are 5 files to process
2008-01-30 22:08:19 Pre-processing file
'/video/tv/d2/1091_20070919200000.mpg' of type 'recording'
2008-01-30 22:08:20 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="2534"
duration="3656" filename="/video/tv/d2/1091_20070919200000.mpg"
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="65000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="29.97" height="1080" id="49"
start_time="6737.272681" streamindex="0" width="1920"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="52" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
6737.242029" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 22:08:20           Grey's Anatomy
2008-01-30 22:08:21 Video resolution is 1920 by 1080
2008-01-30 22:08:21 Pre-processing file
'/video/tv/d1/1091_20071011200000.mpg' of type 'recording'
2008-01-30 22:08:22 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="2587"
duration="3775" filename="/video/tv/d1/1091_20071011200000.mpg"
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="65000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="29.97" height="1080" id="49"
start_time="7995.907551" streamindex="0" width="1920"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="52" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
7995.869256" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 22:08:22           Grey's Anatomy
2008-01-30 22:08:22 Video resolution is 1920 by 1080
2008-01-30 22:08:22 Pre-processing file
'/video/tv/d1/1091_20071018200000.mpg' of type 'recording'
2008-01-30 22:08:24 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="3142"
duration="3714" filename="/video/tv/d1/1091_20071018200000.mpg"
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="65000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="59.9401" height="1080" id="49"
start_time="366.239920" streamindex="0" width="1920"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="52" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
366.208467" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 22:08:24           Grey's Anatomy
2008-01-30 22:08:24 Video resolution is 1920 by 1080
2008-01-30 22:08:24 Pre-processing file
'/video/tv/d1/1091_20071025200000.mpg' of type 'recording'
2008-01-30 22:08:25 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="3169"
duration="3715" filename="/video/tv/d1/1091_20071025200000.mpg"
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="65000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="59.9401" height="1080" id="49"
start_time="3259.4194" streamindex="0" width="1920"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="52" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
3258.975361" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 22:08:25           Grey's Anatomy
2008-01-30 22:08:25 Video resolution is 1920 by 1080
2008-01-30 22:08:25 Pre-processing file
'/video/tv/d1/1091_20071101200000.mpg' of type 'recording'
2008-01-30 22:08:26 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="3456"
duration="4015" filename="/video/tv/d1/1091_20071101200000.mpg"
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="65000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="59.9401" height="1080" id="49"
start_time="6151.888421" streamindex="0" width="1920"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="52" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
6151.845227" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 22:08:26           Grey's Anatomy
2008-01-30 22:08:26 Video resolution is 1920 by 1080
2008-01-30 22:08:26
2008-01-30 22:08:26 Processing file /video/tv/d2/1091_20070919200000.mpg of
type recording
2008-01-30 22:08:26
2008-01-30 22:08:26 File type is 'mpegts'
2008-01-30 22:08:26 Video codec is 'mpeg2video'
2008-01-30 22:08:26 File has a cut list - running mythtrancode to remove
unwanted segments
2008-01-30 22:13:24 File will be re-encoded using profile SP
2008-01-30 22:13:28 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="2476"
duration="2476" filename="/video/temp-archive/work/1/tmp" type="mpeg">
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="65000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="59.9401" height="1080" id="480"
start_time="0.34251" streamindex="0" width="1920"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="128" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
0.35039" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 22:13:28 Preferred audio languages eng and eng
2008-01-30 22:13:28 Video id: 0x1e0, Audio1: [1] 0x80 (AC3, N/A), Audio2:
[-1] - 0x-1 (N/A, N/A)
2008-01-30 22:13:28 Aspect ratio is 16:9
2008-01-30 22:13:28 Re-encoding audio and video
2008-01-30 22:13:28 Using encoder profiles from
2008-01-30 22:13:28 Encoding profile (SP) found
2008-01-30 22:13:28 ffmpeg -threads 2 -v 1 -i
"/video/temp-archive/work/1/tmp" -r ntsc -target dvd -b 4771k -s 720x480
-acodec copy -copyts -aspect 16:9 "/video/temp-archive/work/1/newfile2.mpg"
-map 0:0 -map 0:1
2008-01-30 22:33:03 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="2476"
duration="2476" filename="/video/temp-archive/work/1/newfile2.mpg"
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="9000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="29.97" height="480" id="480"
start_time="0.45000" streamindex="0" width="720"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="128" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
0.45788" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 22:33:03 Preferred audio languages eng and eng
2008-01-30 22:33:03 Video id: 0x1e0, Audio1: [1] 0x80 (AC3, N/A), Audio2:
[-1] - 0x-1 (N/A, N/A)
2008-01-30 22:33:03 Splitting MPEG stream into audio and video parts
2008-01-30 22:33:03 Running: mythreplex --demux --fix_sync -o
/video/temp-archive/work/1/stream -v 224 -c 128
2008-01-30 22:34:11 Audio is already in ac3 format
2008-01-30 22:34:11
2008-01-30 22:34:11 Finished processing file
2008-01-30 22:34:11
2008-01-30 22:34:11
2008-01-30 22:34:11 Processing file /video/tv/d1/1091_20071011200000.mpg of
type recording
2008-01-30 22:34:11
2008-01-30 22:34:11 File type is 'mpegts'
2008-01-30 22:34:11 Video codec is 'mpeg2video'
2008-01-30 22:34:11 File has a cut list - running mythtrancode to remove
unwanted segments
2008-01-30 22:37:19 Failed while running mythtranscode to cut commercials
and/or clean up an mpeg2 file.
Result: 247, Command was mythtranscode --mpeg2 --honorcutlist -c 1091 -s
2007-10-11T20:00:00 -o /video/temp-archive/work/2/tmp
2008-01-30 22:37:19 Failed to run mythtranscode to remove unwanted segments
2008-01-30 22:37:19 File will be re-encoded using profile SP
2008-01-30 22:37:26 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="2587"
duration="3775" filename="/video/tv/d1/1091_20071011200000.mpg"
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="65000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="29.97" height="1080" id="49"
start_time="7995.907551" streamindex="0" width="1920"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="52" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
7995.869256" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 22:37:26 Preferred audio languages eng and eng
2008-01-30 22:37:26 Video id: 0x31, Audio1: [1] 0x34 (AC3, N/A), Audio2:
[-1] - 0x-1 (N/A, N/A)
2008-01-30 22:37:26 Aspect ratio is 16:9
2008-01-30 22:37:26 Re-encoding audio and video
2008-01-30 22:37:26 Using encoder profiles from
2008-01-30 22:37:26 Encoding profile (SP) found
2008-01-30 22:37:26 ffmpeg -threads 2 -v 1 -i
"/video/tv/d1/1091_20071011200000.mpg" -r ntsc -target dvd -b 4771k -s
720x480 -acodec copy -copyts -aspect 16:9
"/video/temp-archive/work/2/newfile2.mpg" -map 0:0 -map 0:1
2008-01-30 23:08:36 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="3775"
duration="3775" filename="/video/temp-archive/work/2/newfile2.mpg"
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="9000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="29.97" height="480" id="480"
start_time="0.45000" streamindex="0" width="720"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="128" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
0.45000" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 23:08:36 Preferred audio languages eng and eng
2008-01-30 23:08:36 Video id: 0x1e0, Audio1: [1] 0x80 (AC3, N/A), Audio2:
[-1] - 0x-1 (N/A, N/A)
2008-01-30 23:08:36 Splitting MPEG stream into audio and video parts
2008-01-30 23:08:36 Running: mythreplex --demux --fix_sync -o
/video/temp-archive/work/2/stream -v 224 -c 128
2008-01-30 23:11:04 Audio is already in ac3 format
2008-01-30 23:11:04
2008-01-30 23:11:04 Finished processing file
2008-01-30 23:11:04
2008-01-30 23:11:04
2008-01-30 23:11:04 Processing file /video/tv/d1/1091_20071018200000.mpg of
type recording
2008-01-30 23:11:04
2008-01-30 23:11:04 File type is 'mpegts'
2008-01-30 23:11:04 Video codec is 'mpeg2video'
2008-01-30 23:11:04 File has a cut list - running mythtrancode to remove
unwanted segments
2008-01-30 23:14:26 Failed while running mythtranscode to cut commercials
and/or clean up an mpeg2 file.
Result: 247, Command was mythtranscode --mpeg2 --honorcutlist -c 1091 -s
2007-10-18T20:00:00 -o /video/temp-archive/work/3/tmp
2008-01-30 23:14:26 Failed to run mythtranscode to remove unwanted segments
2008-01-30 23:14:26 File will be re-encoded using profile SP
2008-01-30 23:14:32 streaminfo.xml :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE FILEINFO><file cutduration="3142"
duration="3714" filename="/video/tv/d1/1091_20071018200000.mpg"
        <streams count="2">
                <video aspectratio="1.77778" bitrate="65000000"
codec="mpeg2video" ffmpegindex="0" fps="59.9401" height="1080" id="49"
start_time="366.239920" streamindex="0" width="1920"/>
                <audio bitrate="384000" channels="6" codec="ac3"
ffmpegindex="1" id="52" language="N/A" samplerate="48000" start_time="
366.208467" streamindex="1"/>
2008-01-30 23:14:32 Preferred audio languages eng and eng
2008-01-30 23:14:32 Video id: 0x31, Audio1: [1] 0x34 (AC3, N/A), Audio2:
[-1] - 0x-1 (N/A, N/A)
2008-01-30 23:14:32 Aspect ratio is 16:9
2008-01-30 23:14:32 Re-encoding audio and video
2008-01-30 23:14:32 Using encoder profiles from
2008-01-30 23:14:32 Encoding profile (SP) found
2008-01-30 23:14:32 ffmpeg -threads 2 -v 1 -i
"/video/tv/d1/1091_20071018200000.mpg" -r ntsc -target dvd -b 4771k -s
720x480 -acodec copy -copyts -aspect 16:9
"/video/temp-archive/work/3/newfile2.mpg" -map 0:0 -map 0:1
2008-01-30 23:14:34
2008-01-30 23:14:34 ERROR: Failed while running ffmpeg to re-encode video.
Command was ffmpeg -threads 2 -v 1 -i "/video/tv/d1/1091_20071018200000.mpg"
-r ntsc -target dvd -b 4771k -s 720x480 -acodec copy -copyts -aspect 16:9
"/video/temp-archive/work/3/newfile2.mpg" -map 0:0 -map 0:1
2008-01-30 23:14:34
2008-01-30 23:14:34
2008-01-30 23:14:34 Terminated

I see a huge logs but this is at the end:
video DTS inconsistent:  0:13:52.1975  0:13:52.1975  0:13:52.2642  0:13:
51.7642 diff:  0:00:00.0667
audio PTS inconsistent:  0:13:51.0961  0:13:51.0400 diff:  0:00:00.0561
audio PTS inconsistent:  0:13:51.1281  0:13:51.0720 diff:  0:00:00.0561
audio PTS inconsistent:  0:13:51.1601  0:13:51.1040 diff:  0:00:00.0561
audio PTS inconsistent:  0:13:51.2241  0:13:51.1680 diff:  0:00:00.0561
video PTS inconsistent:  0:13:52.3977  0:13:52.3977  0:13:52.4644  0:13:
51.9644  diff:  0:00:00.0667
video DTS inconsistent:  0:13:52.3643  0:13:52.3643  0:13:52.4311  0:13:
51.9311 diff:  0:00:00.0667
audio PTS inconsistent:  0:13:51.2561  0:13:51.2000 diff:  0:00:00.0561
audio PTS inconsistent:  0:13:51.2881  0:13:51.2320 diff:  0:00:00.0561
audio PTS inconsistent:  0:13:51.3521  0:13:51.2960 diff:  0:00:00.0561
audio PTS inconsistent:  0:13:51.3841  0:13:51.3280 diff:  0:00:00.0561
video PTS inconsistent:  0:13:52.5645  0:13:52.5645  0:13:52.6313  0:13:
52.1313  diff:  0:00:00.0667
video DTS inconsistent:  0:13:52.5312  0:13:52.5312  0:13:52.5979  0:13:
52.0979 diff:  0:00:00.0667

It is repeated several hundred times!  What is this?  Also why on some
recordings does Mythtranscode fail with error 247.

-------------- next part --------------
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