[mythtv-users] 1st tuner on Nova-t 500 can't tune

Ben Firshman ben at firshman.co.uk
Sun Jan 27 14:20:40 UTC 2008

No luck. The only error to speak of is:

DVB: frontend 0 frequency limits undefined - fix the driver

In syslog, but this occurs even while it is working. I will ask on the  
linux-dvb list.


On 23 Jan 2008, at 17:57, Ben Firshman wrote:

> Just died again this morning. I'm going to try and recompile the
> latest v4l-dvb sources with those patches mentioned later in the  
> thread.
> Ben
> On 21 Jan 2008, at 21:43, Ben Firshman wrote:
>> I upgraded to SVN a few days ago and enabled all my tuners. So far, I
>> haven't noticed any problems, I will let you know if a tuner dies
>> again. SVN probably fixes the issue, so try it if you dare! 0.21
>> doesn't seem that far off anyway, so you could just wait.
>> Ben
>> On 21 Jan 2008, at 14:48, Mikko Koivisto wrote:
>>> No suggestions but same kind of problems.
>>> My problem is related to all channels from one MUX where the first
>>> tuner
>>> signal strength is about 55% and it can't lock -> no picture.
>>> I changed to use second tuner which gets signal strength 86% -> lock
>>> and
>>> working.
>>> With another MUXes first tuner works fine.
>>> What have I done so far.
>>> - Added all 3 patches mentioned in wikipage. (stream, freq,
>>> kehycodes)
>>> - Tried with and without EIT, normally EIT is in use
>>> - coldboot
>>> - rescanned channels
>>> - using only second tuner -> worked ok
>>> --
>>> Mikko
>>> Ben Firshman:
>>>> Any thoughts/suggestions? I have just had our aerial realigned,  
>>>> I'll
>>>> try enabling it again for a bit. Unlikely, but it might have
>>>> actually
>>>> been a tuning problem as the "(l--)" message implies.
>>>> Ben
>>>> On 5 Jan 2008, at 00:34, Ben Firshman wrote:
>>>>> Left it to rest for 10 minutes unplugged, then reenabled the  
>>>>> tuner.
>>>>> Interestingly enough, now the first tuner is working fine and the
>>>>> second tuner has stopped working. It appears to be not the 1st in
>>>>> particular.
>>>>> What determines the tuner used for EIT data? Maybe that is indeed
>>>>> causing it.
>>>>> Ben
>>>>> On 3 Jan 2008, at 13:05, Ben Firshman wrote:
>>>>>> I did try that a while ago. Maybe I should try it again!
>>>>>> It still makes no sense why the 1st tuner should not work while
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> second does though.
>>>>>> Ben
>>>>>> On 2 Jan 2008, at 20:15, Oliver Maunder wrote:
>>>>>>> On Dec 30, 2007 1:48 PM, Ben Firshman <ben at firshman.co.uk>  
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes, restarting the backend fixes the problem for me. (l--) is
>>>>>>> displayed too. Sounds like a similar thing.
>>>>>>> Ben -
>>>>>>> Have you tried turning it off and on again? Seriously!
>>>>>>> The firmware only gets copied to the TV card when the card is
>>>>>>> in a
>>>>>>> "cold" state. To get into a cold state you have to power down
>>>>>>> for a
>>>>>>> while - at least a few seconds. Just rebooting won't do it. Your
>>>>>>> card may have out-of-date firmware loaded on it.
>>>>>>> The other day, I shut down my PC, removed the power cord (just
>>>>>>> to be
>>>>>>> sure) and went to bed. In the morning I powered up again, and
>>>>>>> Myth
>>>>>>> has now been running without any problems *all year*!
>>>>>>> Olly
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