[mythtv-users] moving video devices

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Sat Feb 16 16:59:39 UTC 2008

I've chacked up a udev solution to the moving video devices.

In a nutshell, I create a /dev/video directory with the video devices 
listed by name and by physical device.

The setup is a bit of a hack as it needs an external script and 
unfortunately, mythtv-setup knows nothing about it so it's pretty 
useless ATM.

The setup is modeled on the /dev/disk directory.

You need the persistent-video.rules file (attached), the video_namer 
shell script (attached) and you need to add a symlink in /etc/udev/rules.d:

z21_persistent-video.rules -> ../persistent-video.rules

Put the persistent-video.rules into /etc/udev
Put the video_namer into /usr/local/bin and don't forget to chmod +x

(Any awk gurus out there?  You should be able to replace my video_namer 
hack with an awk script that doesn't require a separate helper program.)

Is there any interest in this?  We'd really have to hack mtyhtv-setup to 
also look in /dev/video/* instead of just in /dev/ for video devices.

If we can polish this up a bit and test it for USB devices I'd like to 
submit it for inclusion in (at least) debian, since that's what I use. 
With pluggable (USB) video devices out there, it's about time this was 
standard - just like /dev/disk.

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