[mythtv-users] mythjobqueue DB error

Richard Shaw hobbes1069 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 03:23:19 UTC 2008

I've been offloading my comm flagging onto my desktop machine by
running mythjobqueue on it which has worked well so far but I've seen
this error several times and wondered if it was a real problem or not.

2008-04-14 22:19:13.079 DB Error (SetInUse):
Query was:
INSERT INTO inuseprograms  (chanid, starttime, recusage, hostname,
lastupdatetime,  rechost, recdir )  VALUES  ('1501',
'2008-04-13T17:30:00', 'flagger', 'hobbes.localdomain',
'2008-04-14T22:19:13',  'calvin.localdomain', NULL);
Driver error was [2/1048]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
Column 'recdir' cannot be null

I assume the the recdir stands for recording directory which I
currently have setup on the MBE as /myth/mythtv. Is there any reason
NULL is being used instead of that directory?


Technical info:
Mythtv 0.21 lastest from Atrpms on F8 x86_64. (on both machines)

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