[mythtv-users] British vs. American English (was MythTV requires a better name)

David Brodbeck gull at gull.us
Thu Sep 20 17:20:45 UTC 2007

On Sep 20, 2007, at 9:19 AM, Ryan Steffes wrote:
> Irregardless is a word long fought over by grammar fascists.  It's
> actually of the exact same construction as "not withstanding", but a
> lot of people don't know that word either.  The efforts to have the
> word irregardless banned are right up there with the people who
> believe literally should only refer to things that have concretely
> happened.

Well, there's two groups that object, I think.  There's the grammar  
fascists.  And then there's the people who get annoyed at people who  
use bigger words when small ones will do, to try to make themselves  
sound smarter.  "Irregardless" is a good example because it means the  
same as "regardless."  And "utilize," which means the same as "use,"  
is another common one.  You see these kinds of words a lot in HR- 
speak.  Corporate types particularly love any word that has -ize in  
it.  ("We must incentivize our employees to maximize our  

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