[mythtv-users] Sheduled recording while watching LiveTV

Mark A. O'Neil mark.a.oneil at Dartmouth.EDU
Sat Jun 30 04:28:02 UTC 2007

> On 06/29/2007 05:39 PM, daniel åkerud wrote:
>> I have two PVR-150 cards. I can record one show and watch LiveTV at
>> the same time, no problem.
>> ...
>> How can I make MythTV understand, at this point, that I have one more
>> tuner? I would like it to start recording without bothering me.
> In frontend settings:
> Avoid conflicts between live TV and scheduled shows.
> If enabled, live TV will choose a tuner card that is less likely to  
> have
> scheduled recordings rather than the best card available.
> Mike

I must have missed that setting - I'll have to set that for good  
measure. I solved the problem by setting, on the backend, the tuner  
priority higher on the non-livetv tuners.

The advantage here is I consistently get the same tuner for livetv  
and it is picked last for recording.


PVR-150 and PVR-500/amd64/ubuntu7.04
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