[mythtv-users] PS3 Patches

Bryan Childs godeater at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 15:26:40 UTC 2007

Sorry, just signed up to the list so don't have the original email
from mark to reply to - so here's a new thread :

I didn't have any of the environment I needed set up for this - so
I've spent the day doing it.

The distro on my PS3 (for better or worse) is debian etch currently -
but I may change it - I'm more familiar with gentoo. Currently still
on debian though.

So I managed to get the toolchain setup, I have spu-gcc and embedspu
which all appear to run ok, however, I got a bit hung up here at this

>Just spotted the deliberate mistake. This should read:-
>cd ~
>svn co http://svn.mythtv.org/svn/branches/mythtv-vid
>cd mythtv-vid
>wget http://www.btinternet.com/~mark_kendall/mythtvps3.diff
>patch -p 1 -i mythtvps3.diff
>cd libs/libmythtv/cell
>chmod +x make_spu.sh

This fails when trying to compile the mythspu_yuv2rgb.cpp file with
the following errors:

Making mythspu_yuv2rgb
mythspu_yuv2rgb.cpp:764: error: first argument of 'int main(uint64,
uint64)' should be 'int'
mythspu_yuv2rgb.cpp:764: error: second argument of 'int main(uint64,
uint64)' should be 'char **'
mythspu_yuv2rgb.cpp: In function 'int main(uint64, uint64)':
mythspu_yuv2rgb.cpp:801: error: jump to case label
mythspu_yuv2rgb.cpp:788: error:   crosses initialization of 'uint32 cycles'
mythspu_yuv2rgb.cpp:805: error: jump to case label
mythspu_yuv2rgb.cpp:788: error:   crosses initialization of 'uint32 cycles'

I'm not familiar with developing on a 64bit platform - so that
definition of main not looking like main(int argc, char **argv) looks
peculiar but I'm not 100% sure it's actually wrong.

I decided to skip this bit and worry about it later, and get down to
compiling the rest of the mythtv-vid stuff - this caused me more pain
when it looked like having the debian default kernel headers in
/usr/include didn't sit well with the fact that I rolled my own kernel
from geoff's git tree for PS3. I *think* I've hacked my way round this
now by symlinking my /usr/src/linux/include/asm directory to the
/usr/include/asm directory - but a few more hours compiling may prove
me mistaken.

Anyway - that's my progress - how's everyone else getting on ?


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