[mythtv-users] Is skipping ads really a good idea?

Wes Hardaker wjhns176 at hardakers.net
Tue Jun 19 01:08:41 UTC 2007

>>>>> "WM" == William Munson <william_munson at bellsouth.net> writes:

>> 1) make skipping commercials illegal and technically
>> challenging/impossible for closed system devices through DRM.
>> 2) increase in-show commercials (no OTA and we go to all subscription
>> cable/etc likely through encrypted systems).
>> 3) user-pays-all-fees for no commercial channels
>> 4) all TV content goes away and we're down to pay-per-use kind of
>> architecture only.

WM> You forgot one option. The one my children use now. We stop watching TV 
WM> and actually go out and enjoy life and interacting with people.

Actually, that's pretty much how you're exercising number 4.

Actually, I was immediately amazed at how much less tv one watches if
they have a PVR.  You have much less impulse to see what else is on.
Usually people don't watch less just because there is less ads, but also
because when a show finishes it doesn't roll into the next.

WM> Until then I will make use of what rights I have left to watch what
WM> I want and not the crud they try to sell me. Case in point, what the
WM> heck is the Truman show? I have never heard of it and from your
WM> description of its contents would not watch it anyways.

The truman show was actually a movie:


It was about a man that the world had placed in a bubble in a reality-tv
sort of show (but he didn't know that his entire life was in a fake
environment).  It was a live broadcast of everything he did in this fake
world.  But the rest of the people interacted with him and would do
product placement by looking at the camera and saying "don't you just
love burbank coffee Truman?" or something like that.  That's what I was
implying we're heading for.

WM> PS - Are you sure you are not a network lawyer or tv station mole?  
WM> (Joking) ;-)

Heh.  No, but I do realize that nothing comes for free.  That includes
TV.  They have to have money to make the shows.  Now, if you ask me if
they're spending the money wisely in making those shows you'll get an
entirely different answer.  Mabye one outcome of all of this is that
actors and actresses will finally make a more reasonably salary!

Anyway...  As long as we're joking...  if you're outside playing with
your kids and interacting with people instead of watching tv...  why are
you sitting on a computer responding to email in a discussion about
watching tv?  sounds like "unsubscribe" is an option to help you
work your way to your ideal world of no tv!

(for me: everything in life needs a proper balance.  It's the extremes
that'll get ya)
"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett

"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett

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