[mythtv-users] OT: Stream Music around the house

Andrew Burgess aab at cichlid.com
Tue Jul 17 18:59:47 UTC 2007

>My Windows PC is connected via USB to a RCA Lyra, which is a 900 mhz box 
>transmitter  It shows as a sound card to the PC, and transmits to it's 
>own receiver, which has line level output for stereo.  I use this as a 
>second source into stereo and also to to get sounds to detached garage. 
>I paid about $20 for the Lyra transmitter and two receivers.

It took me a while to find this, rca makes a ton of electronics stuff :-)
Do you mean the RCA Lyra Wireless RD900W ?
Seems to cost closer to $100 so maybe thats not the right one...

>This is the poor mans way to get whole house audio.

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