[mythtv-users] xbox recommendations

Jeremy Warren jwarren1234 at chartermi.net
Mon Jan 22 04:15:06 UTC 2007

http://www.xbox-scene.com/ is a great place to learn xbox modding,  
the forums and guides are pretty useful.

Me I personally use an application on the xbox called xbox media  
center in conjunction with a modchip (xecuter 2 modchip - about $40,  
software is under some sort of GPL license)

There is a plugin for XBMC that works as a slim down frontend for  
myth - more information can be found at http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/ 
index.php/Xbox_Frontend, it works pretty well.

You are correct that the xbox is unable to play back HD content (at  
least i have had limited success) it just does not have the horsepower.


On Jan 21, 2007, at 10:57 PM, Joe Votour wrote:

> I've have the DMS X-B.I.T. modchip in my XBox (a 1.1).  I'm not sure
> if it's available anymore, but it supports flashing a BIOS via USB,
> with the XBox turned off.  It also segments the chip (a 2MB, I think)
> so that you can have multiple BIOS' available, selectable via DIP
> switches.
> It's how I loaded Cromwell into my XBox when I was booting into  
> Linux with it.
> Some of the modchips use a method like this, some of them use special
> software that runs on the XBox itself.  In any case, you shouldn't
> need to do the softmod, so there's no particular versions of games
> needed.
> Also, this allows you to revert back to the original XBox BIOS should
> you need to.
> I don't think that the XBox is capable of playing back HD captured
> content (I haven't tried it myself though), and the XBox remote does
> work under Linux, but the number of buttons is limiting.  I found it
> easier to use a OneForAll remote setup to look like the XBox, and find
> EFCs for extra buttons.
> -- Joe
> Quoting Jack Madison <jack at webhouse.cc>:
>> On Sun, 2007-01-21 at 14:25 -0700, kim gross wrote:
>>> The mod chip makes it the easiest to install linux, but since you  
>>> are
>>> not interested in being able to play xbox games I would suggest just
>>> flashing the bios on your xbox to cromwell that way it can boot  
>>> straight
>>> into linux.
>>> A good place to look for more info on xbox linux  is xbox-linux.org
>>> They have howto's on how to flash the bios with cromwell, some  
>>> howto's
>>> on installing mod chips etc.  I personally have no experience  
>>> with the
>>> soft mods.
>> I did do some looking around on xbox-linux.org, but the hardware mod
>> article I found is almost 3 years old and describing how to flash the
>> xbox, nothing about a new chip.  It also requires using a game w/ 
>> special
>> save games and such.  A search on their site for DuoX2, the cheapest
>> chip I could find that appears to work, came back with 0 matches.
>> If there is a way to flash the bios without using an old game/game
>> saves/etc and without pulling the hard drive and connecting it hot  
>> to a
>> PC I'd probably give it a shot.
>> At the moment I'm leaning toward just buying the DuoX2 chip and
>> installing Xebian, but I'm still open to suggestions.  I may take a
>> quick trip to the local GameStop to see if I can find the proper  
>> version
>> of the proper game.
>> Any other suggestions, is the HD connection worth it (can the xbox  
>> as a
>> mythtv front end keep up)?  Does the xbox remote work well?
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