[mythtv-users] Daddy, what's a commercial

Brad Staton brad.staton at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 22:14:13 UTC 2007

> Any idea how to query this rating in myth on frame by frame basis?  If you
> can
> figure out that part I can look into adding this method of detection to
> the
> experimental flagger (if it looks useful).
> Daniel
Another method of commercial detection I'd noticed might work (and I'm sure
someone's thought of) is looking for changes in the video's resolution or
aspect ratio.  In most broadcasts, that doesn't happen, but during HD OTA
(at least in the US) the resolution changes when going to commercial breaks,
as the commercials are still in 4:3 and SD instead of 16:9 and HD.

--Brad Staton
Brad.Staton at gmail.com
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