[mythtv-users] Beginner - Practical HDTV and Comcast Questions

Rick St. Pierre rick at rspacoustics.com
Mon Jan 8 22:35:14 UTC 2007

On 1/8/07, Kevin Kuphal <kuphal at dls.net> wrote:
> A good option is to look at the HD HomeRun units which are two tuner
> units.  Each tuner can do either QAM (digital) or NTSC (analog) and
> since they are external to your MythTV box, make for very easy to set up
> and expandable units (or so I have read from this list).
The HDHomeRun does not do analog capture, only QAM or ATSC.

I have Comcast here in the Boston area without a cable box and can
pick up all the local digital stations, including the local "extras"
like WGBH Kids/World/Create and TheTube.  That, plus the analog (which
I use a PVR-250 for) gives me all the stations I need.


Rick St.Pierre
rick at rspacoustics.com

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