[mythtv-users] OpenGL and Menus

Chris Everest chriseverest at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 00:11:24 UTC 2007

On 1/7/07, raptor jr <raptorjr at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have the same problem too. Menu fade in and then disappear. I can
> navigate
> and going to another menu, it fades in and then disappear.
> But if i use Iulius theme i can move around in the menus and the fade and
> stay there after the fade. On the other hand, if i enter some other
> screen,
> like watch recordings, when i go back the menu is gone. I have to move
> inside the menu to get it back.

Yep, that's the ticket.  I rebuilt my  entire system this weekend to upgrade
to FC6... still have the same problem.  I also upgraded my video card to a
GeForce 7100 GS with the livna rpms (rather than atrpms) and I am still
getting the disappearing menus.  Keep working everyone and let's try to
figure this out.

Chris Everest
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