[mythtv-users] Considering Switch from Fedora to Ubuntu

joe.white at wachovia.com joe.white at wachovia.com
Wed Aug 29 14:21:09 UTC 2007

Wow.  Thanks to everyone for the great feedback.  I will make the 
transistion this weekend.

mythtv-users-bounces at mythtv.org wrote on 08/28/2007 09:49:03 PM:

> On 8/28/07, joe.white at wachovia.com <joe.white at wachovia.com> wrote:
> I have used Fedora with my MythTV box since I first discovered this 
> list a few years ago.  Primarily, because of Jarod's guide.  With 
> the new release, I am considering switching over to Feisty Fawn to 
> be consistent with my other Linux boxes.  Naturally, I have been 
> reading various install guides in an attempt to suss out how to best
> accomplish my goal.  I have not yet found what seems to be a 
> complete HOWTO on the subject and I have the feeling that Myth on 
> Feisty may be problematic, specifically with regards to sound and 
> iirc.  Am I reading things correctly?  Or have I just beeen reading 
> the gloomy postings? 
> Thanks, 
> jw
> I was in a similar situation a while back.  All my myth boxes were 
> on Fedora; but my desktop had wandered from distro to distro until I
> found Ubuntu.  Once I had locked into Ubuntu for my personal 
> workstation, I found alternating between Fedora and Ubuntu somewhat 
> bothersome. 
> Mario used to have a great how-to for Feisty posted on his website, 
> which I used.  It's no longer there.  But the install is almost as 
> easy as running Synaptic and installing the mythtv packages.  I am 
> sure that the links provided by others above will work well for you. 
> My biggest problem was getting lirc to work.  Here is a site that 
> gives a great how-to for lirc: https://help.ubuntu.
> com/community/Install_Lirc_Feisty 
> I have never regretted moving from Fedora to Ubuntu for my myth 
> boxes.  But I still remember the nightmares over past struggles with
> package dependency conflicts with yum (and even SMART).  Since 
> moving to Ubuntu, I've never had any of those problems. 
> Good luck.
> Tom_______________________________________________
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