[mythtv-users] mythfrontend playback problems after rebuild

James Pifer jep at obrien-pifer.com
Wed Aug 29 01:29:16 UTC 2007

I've rebuilt my combo frontend/backend system with FC7 to get up to date
and move to Schedules Direct (haven't made this jump yet). Recordings
are working great, but playback is awful. The sound is either echoing,
tinny, or even weirder, it sounds like multiple recordings are playing
back at the same time. 

Playing videos in mythvideo give similar tinny or echoing. So it's
something with the sound system. 

Hardware stayed exactly the same. Obviously software changed a lot. 
FC5 -> FC7
Myth 0.20.1 (not exactly sure) -> 0.20.2-163.fc7

I'm not sure where to even look for a problem or what information to
provide. I know recordings are fine because I can play them back fine on
another system using xine or mplayer. Plus, I know my stored videos in
mythvideos are good. 

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this or what information I can
provide to help?


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