[mythtv-users] SD listings and mythtv .19 will it work?

Jim - MythTV mythtv at hribnak.com
Sun Aug 26 17:28:07 UTC 2007

I have not had time to upgrade to mythtv .20 yet due to hardware, and the fact everything is working.  I have  afew questions.

one of the reasons I havent ugraded was I read people had problems with PVR350 tvout which I use (machine is just not quite up to using my FX5200 TV out.
I have plans to upgrade this machine but each time I do something else is pressing and I have to change priorities.

I guess if mythtv .20 still works well with PVR350 and tv out then I will have to take the plunge and upgrade /and or install completely to a new drive and try it.

1)  Will SD listings work with .19?.  
2) If not can it easily be done

I think that is about it for now.



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