[mythtv-users] Myth RPMs for Fedora Core 5

CHRIS KOTTING ckotting at wideopenwest.com
Thu Aug 23 11:27:36 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-08-22 at 23:11 +0200, Axel Thimm wrote:
> Yes, please do so. Only stay on FC5 or any EOL distribution if you
> either intend to never change the system again (and know its security
> is not at stake, e.g. behind a firewall), or you're willing to start
> building bits yourself.

Along this line, I'm currently upgrading a combined FC5-based MythTV 
frontend/backend to FC6 using yum (in preparation for the SD change to be 
available from Axel).  I'm documenting the process and once everything is 
stable, I'll post the documentation for those who are interested.  

(I figure I'm not the only one in this boat.)

I may do the same for a FC6-to-F7 process once this box is stable.  (Depends 
on how well the 5-to-6 process goes.)

Chris K.

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