[mythtv-users] PS3 with MythTV? No need...

Brad DerManouelian myth at dermanouelian.com
Wed Aug 22 17:05:57 UTC 2007

On Aug 22, 2007, at 10:00 AM, Christopher Friend wrote:

> Just saw the title of this on the BBC and haven't bothered to read any
> further...
> "PlayStation 3 owners in Europe will soon be able to record and  
> playback
> digital TV."
> Now I know people were looking at getting Myth working on one, but  
> is there
> any need to now? And what kinda threat is that gonna be to Myth?  
> Any other
> details? Maybe I should just go read the article. And save...
> Christopher

MythTV isn't threatened by any other system. It's not a commercial  
product. There is no concept of worrying about such things. Hopefully  
the PS3 will introduce some great new ideas that can be incorporated  
into MythTV. :)

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