[mythtv-users] Sound issues

R. G. Newbury newbury at mandamus.org
Sun Aug 19 05:45:45 UTC 2007

Harry Devine wrote:
> OK, I have what I think is a really strange problem.  If I go to my "Soundcard Detection" or "Sound" items in Preferences and Adminstration (respectively) and click on the Test button, I can hear sound.  However, if I try to use a player to listen to music that was ripped down, or even play a CD, I get no sound at all.  I am currently running MythDora 4.0, so my OS is FC6. 
> Where should I begin looking to get this to work?  It is really frustrating me since the Test sounds play nice.

Open 2 consoles. In one, run system-config-soundcard. Set it to 'repeat' 
and start the test sound. In the other run 'kmix'Raise all of the 
volumes, and unmute all of the inputs/outputs one by one, until you find 
the one which actually controls the output.

System-config-soundcard appears to set the volume high *only while 
running the test* and then re-sets it off....Damn annoying.

My Via SP13000 board has 5 "VRSD" inputs, and it was the second one of 
those which actually controlled the volume....And no, I have no idea.....


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