[mythtv-users] forums are up

R. G. Newbury newbury at mandamus.org
Sun Aug 19 05:07:39 UTC 2007

Robert Eden wrote:
> On 8/18/2007 10:48 AM, Robert Eden wrote:
>> Because it was the default ( and only choice available )
>> Robert
> Just looked at the phpbb3 site...
> It says this for American English:  This package is not compatible with 
> the latest version
> It also says: The image files are the same thing as the British English 
> ones. You can just copy those and rename the folder "en" to "en-us".
> I don't thiink it's worth messing with.  Just be sure to use the proper 
> English (British) spellings on the forum. :-)

Hear, hear! You rebellious yankees should not harbour any pretensions 
that 1776 gives you a licence to assert that your flavour of spelling 
will affect the rest of the Anglosphere or even colour our thoughts 
regarding spelling in the least.... and in my defence, I have run out of 
words which are spelt differently.

And its football even if the ball is round. And if the ball is pointy 
ended, the game should be played on a longer and wider field with only 
*three* downs.


With tongue in cheek..I've just been watching San Diego at St.Louis 
preseason NFL..

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