[mythtv-users] upgraded to fedora 7, now firewire is broken

Mike LaPlante mike at dividia.net
Thu Aug 9 23:18:02 UTC 2007

Axel Thimm wrote:
> You can always donate such a device over to me ;)
> (but I would probably not be able to use it, I don't think any cable
> company over here has FW output on their boxes, so I'll just settle
> for a thanks provided it does work in the first place ;)
All is well. Got the new ieee1394 package installed and my SA3250HD is 
working fine. Just a few things I'll mention in case it helps Gabe or 
others later.

Before the kernel upgrade I was running 2.6.21 (fedora 3228 release) and 
I had to blacklist "fw_core" and "fw_ohci" so that the old modules would 
get loaded instead. After this afternoon's upgrade I rebooted 
and my machine hard locked up with this output on the console

Aug  9 15:39:29 myth kernel: firewire_core: BM lock failed, making local 
node (ffc0) root.
Aug  9 15:39:29 myth kernel: firewire_core: phy config: card 0, new 
root=ffc0, gap_count=5
Aug  9 15:39:29 myth kernel: firewire_core: BM lock failed, making local 
node (ffc0) root.
Aug  9 15:39:29 myth kernel: firewire_core: phy config: card 0, new 
root=ffc0, gap_count=5

So I unplugged my firewire cable going to my STB and reset the system. I 
looked in /lib/modules/ and sure 
enough the new kernel has renamed the modules to "firewire_core" and 
"firewire_ohci". A quick update to my /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file and 
another reboot meant everything was back to working. So I have no idea 
why the new kernel has different module names... seems strange to me.

So Axel, I don't know anything about firewire (this STB is the first 
firewire device I've ever used) but I was thinking you could make your 
rpm add the blacklist lines. It seems to me anyone installing your 
ieee1394-kmdl package will not be wanting the firewire_* modules 
loading. But I could be wrong, maybe there are cases where you need 
both. Either way adding two lines to a conf file is no biggie for me.

Thanks again for taking the time to do this. As mentioned before I tend 
to put off upgrading kernels if I have to manually compile kernel 
modules. I will take your advice and move to CentOS on my next big Myth 
reinstall. I'm ready for a slower release cycle.


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