[mythtv-users] DVB-S Card for mythtv in the UK

Nick F nikos.f at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 17:27:20 UTC 2007

On 8/3/07, Duncan Brown <mythtv at duncb.co.uk> wrote:
> Cheers for the suggestion. Now I've got 2 to choose from, can anyone
> answer my earlier question - Is there much difference between cards, or
> are the all pretty similar?
The difference is the state of the Linux support in kernel/firmware I
think.  I had a Technisat SkyStar 2 DVB-S card I picked up for £15 before my
current card and that worked just fine (again out of the box - no fiddling
with Fedora FC5/6.)  I switched to the S-1500 because I wanted the CI

And - on Timothy's point about not getting a lock with his Nova-S, I'm
running trunk as well and have no issues with locks on every channel.
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