[mythtv-users] My Perennial Problems with XvMC

Greg Ahpee greg at ahpee.org
Sat Sep 16 23:04:20 UTC 2006

Mathew Elliot wrote:
>> Enter GeForce 6200.  Nvidia claims XvMC is fully supported on this model so
> I should see some serious >improvement.  I replace the old 4200 in the >FC4
> box and fire up Myth.  I enter live TV and go to my favorite
>> .HD channel and BAM!  Reacts exactly the same as before--for about 3
> seconds.  Then the picture starts >deteriorating in what some people may
> have described as "tearing."  A few sections of the picture change to a
>> different color (or scene maybe--it's hard to tell).  The sections grow
> until the entire screen is covered >in garbage, and I think the system
> crashes/stalls,  haven't really let it go this far lately, but I'm pretty
>> sure something bad happens.   
> According to the nvidia forums the 6200 is not actually XvMC enabled under
> 8756 – or from what I can gather under 8774 either...  - I know because I’ve
> been struggling to get mine doing XvMC…
> Refer to this thread -
> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=68030&highlight=XvmC+6200
> Mine produces the same errors as you've posted later and the same errors
> with mplayer as is in the linked thread.... damnit I bought this card cause
> it was the cheapest supposedly XvMC enabled PCIe card... and now it's not -
> apparently all the cards >6600 work fine with XvMC... ripped off!
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I have been following this thread with some interest as I supected that 
I was also having XvMC issues. To date I have not been able to use the 
DVI output on my 6200 with Bob deinterlacing enabled as this combination 
resulted in xorg and mythfontend using all the avialable cpu cycles with 
resultant pre-buffering pauses. The answer to my problem was provided by 
Norm earlier on in this thread (now snipped). My /etc/X11/XvMCConfig 
contained a non-existent file and once this was corrected XvMC sprang 
into life and my cpu load is now miniscule using DVI and Bob.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou Norm


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