[mythtv-users] Audio Buffer Underruns with XvMC and HD in 0.20

Randall Blecher randallb at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 03:57:12 UTC 2006

With 0.19, using XvMC to watch HD, I would only get an occasional buffer
underrun normally (except when the GUI was on the screen, during which the
underruns were annoying).

Now with 0.20, the buffer underruns are much worse.  I can't watch HD wth
XvMC without a lot of scrolling "WriteAudio: buffer underrun" errors.
Turning on the "extra audio buffering" setting in the Playback Settings
greatly reduces the amount of errors, but still not enough to make watching
possible. I'm wondering if adding even more audio buffering (if such a
setting existed) would fix this.  My CPU is still only around 40% (just as
it was with 0.19) when watching HD with XvMC.

Anyone else have this problem?

My setup:
Athlon XP 3200+
GeForce FX 5500
Nvidia 1.0.8774
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