[mythtv-users] Major networks HD encrypted by cable company?

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Thu Nov 30 21:06:44 UTC 2006

Matt Mossholder wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-11-30 at 13:41 -0700, Greg Woods wrote:
>> On Thu, 2006-11-30 at 13:44 -0600, Eric Ladner wrote:
>>> Neighborhood covenants cannot restrict your right to put up an antenna.
>> But apparently municipal governments can. In Louisville CO where I live,
>> there is a city ordinance that prohibits any rooftop tower more than 10'
>> above the peak of the roof.
>> --Greg
> Not according to the FCC OTARD FAQ
> ( http://www.fcc.gov/mb/facts/otard.html ):
> ==================================
> Q: Whose antenna restrictions are prohibited?
> A: The rule applies to restrictions imposed by local governments,
> including zoning, land-use or building regulations; by homeowner,
> townhome, condominium or cooperative association rules, including deed
> restrictions, covenants, by-laws and similar restrictions; and by
> manufactured housing (mobile home) park owners and landlords, including
> lease restrictions. The rule only applies to restrictions on property
> where the viewer has an ownership or leasehold interest and exclusive
> use or control.
> ==================================
> Of course, it looks like OTARD only gives you another 2 feet (12 feet
> above the roofline, maximum, with a 1 meter diameter or diagonal
> antenna).

Actually, if you read it, a municipality cannot prevent you from 
building a taller antenna.  They can require that you show that it is 
safe - i.e. that it will withstand storm, snow, wind, ice, etc loading; 
that the fall radius is contained within your property, etc, but they 
cannot prevent you from building one tall enough to get line of sight if 
you can show that it is safe.

Of course, the design and legal fees may well be more than the cost of 
building your own TV station.....


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