[mythtv-users] An option for watching tv

devsk funtoos at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 29 21:58:08 UTC 2006

> My apologies to all. Especially to all the noobies that won't RTFM. I will still try to help you.

WTF does that mean? I did RTFM. I read user guide and all the FAQs. Read my original mail, where I mention that this subject is discussed in the faq. I am asking for a feature which can be done (and with storage groups, it might have already been done, but the person didn't mention if it was coming out in 0.21) in mythtv.

I know I can have as many cards as my PCI slots allow and as many as my
USB ports. That's possibly thousands of them. Is that sane? In your world it is.
In my world it is not.

I know what I can buy on ebay. And I do play with computers too. So, if you don't have anything further to add than to tell me to buy stuff and use xawtv, then shut up.

----- Original Message ----
From: "match at ece.utah.edu" <match at ece.utah.edu>
To: Brett Kosinski <fancypantalons at gmail.com>; Discussion about mythtv <mythtv-users at mythtv.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 1:30:29 PM
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] An option for watching tv

On 29 Nov 2006 at 11:17, Brett Kosinski wrote:

>     >
>     > you mean have two cards? one to view and one to record?
>     >
>     Oh come on. Your're not serious, are you?
>     I have 6 capture cards in my two back-end systems. I can record or watch 6
>     different programs all at the same time. I can record 5 while I watch the 6th
>     live. I can record 6 while I watch any of the 2.5 terrabytes worth of stuff I've
>     already recorded.
> Well, speaking for myself, I only have a single-tuner system right now, as each tuner requires 
> another STB and another IR blaster, meaning around $200 of equipment, and I already blew my 
> wad on my initial system. It's not *that* surprising to encounter such systems, and to exclude 
> them (or worse, deride them) seems unnecessarily rude.

Whoa there, Brett!

I'm not trying to be rude, and if my comment sounded rude, I'm sorry. By itself and without 
the rest of this thread it is out of context, but I digress... 

I agree. There is no place on this list for rudeness or name-calling. It's not necessary. 

The man's comment seemed to indicate that he had no idea that he could run 2 capture 
cards, which seems to indicate as well that he's not done his homework. I used my own 
setup simply as an example to show that one can have about as many capture cards as he 
can find slots for, and I don't have any set-top boxes or IR blasters, so a system like mine is 
not as expensive as you think.
> Frankly, the idea of having *6* seems like unbelievable overkill to me. The only reason I can see 
> for such a system is bragging rights. But, hey, it's your choice and your money, so who am I to 
> criticize?

Thank you. Sure 6 cards is overkill. I admit it. It didn't start out that way. Back in the day, it 
was a single BTTV card and a pair of 10 GB drives. All re-cycled hardware, but over the 
years I've added, replaced, re-built... and I watch for sales, blow-outs, and use eBay. Now I 
have 3 SD capture cards and 3 HD cards. It's not that big of a deal. I don't think I paid more 
than $30 for any of them except for one HD3000 card.

Oh yeah, that original BTTV card is in another system, so I guess I should have said that I 
have 7, but since it's a Windows XP machine I tend to forget that one... and it's the only place 
in my house that I ever watch "live".

Some guys hang out in bars, some gamble, some play golf... I play with computers. It's just a 
hobby, but one that the rest of my family happens to enjoy as well. (actually I play golf a little 
as well, but very badly)

You didn't mention the 2.5 TB of disks, I guess that's not overkill? (Sorry, that was a cheap 
shot)  :-)
> Not that I think devsk is necessarily correct. My point is simply that this kind of elitism is hardly 
> constructive.There are many types of Myth users, and I would *hope* the project makes an 
> attempt to accomodate more than just the power users with too much disposable income.

Hmmm... never been called an elitist before. You're forgiven.

Look back on the thread. Several of us have tried to show devsk how to get the most out of 
what he has, but some things you just can't do with 4 gigs and one capture card. 
Recommending that he spend the cost of one dinner in a restaraunt for another capture card 
doesn't seem too over-the-top to me if it solves his "problem".

My apologies to all. Especially to all the noobies that won't RTFM. I will still try to help you.


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